Every moment of our life, whether we’re working or relaxing, we’re making choices and decisions. Even when we’re procrastinating, or we feel that our choices are being taken away from us, we’re still choosing and deciding.
So is there are difference between “choices and decisions?” I believe so, and some of that is what I want to explore here.
From when I can remember, I have been someone to consider things… perhaps a bit too much for some.
I’ve been identified as having “analysis paralysis”, overcomplicating things, too slow, airy-fairy, arty farty and well, just a little too far out of the box with my ideas.
This website is dedicated to the person who knows they like to consider things a little bit more, and to gain further insight, understanding and a bit of support with like-minded others on these topics.
We are all the way we are for of a variety of reasons. Sometimes we don’t quite fit into how others would like us to be, and that can cause a little friction or misunderstanding.
It is my goal to help highly sensitive people to appreciate their qualities and to make good use of them, especially as we explore collaborative efforts to incorporate different points of view and make the world a better place.
If you’re a deliberator, a staller, a procrastinator even… this website is dedicated to helping you make the most of your superb, wonderful and unique qualities.
Let me know how you go.
Best wishes,